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Posted on Thursday, March 09, 2006 - 6:48 pm:   

I was born & raised in NYC during the 30s and 40s.
Every Saturday my mother would take me to the movies and then have a meal at the Automat. We went to the one on 14th street right across the street from the movie palace called "Academy of Music" What a treat. Couldn't wait to put the nickels in the slot, turn the knob, and out came the most delicious food you ever tasted. And the coffee was the best and only a nickel! Their steam tables were a sight to behold. The aroma was astonishing.
You could take all the McDonalds & Burger Kings & Taco Bells and scrap 'em. Bring back those Automats!
Posted on Friday, February 10, 2006 - 11:16 am:   

I am writing about growing up in NYC in the '30s and '40s for my grandson, and how could I do that without the Automat. I had to live with my grandmother for a year to attend special Sight Conservation School in Manhattan at age seven. My grandmother spoiled me to death, as grandmothers do. Every day she would ask me what I wanted to eat. It was always the same thing � breakfast, cake and milk; lunch, baloney sandwich, cake and milk; supper, hamburger, rice, cake and milk. When she could no longer take it she would take me to Horn and Hardart�s Automat. I would not eat a good hot meal from the steam table. I wanted to put nickels in the slots, open the little glass doors and get my food that way. It did not matter what it was, as long as it came from those little glass doors.
My f-i-l worked for H&H for years before retiring.
Thanks for the memories ... Carrie NB Canada

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