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Posted on Monday, August 06, 2012 - 9:05 am:   

Your posts is not designed prpoerly. There are only three text links. Perhaps we do not prpoerly understand each other. I've decided that you want to publish posts like this makes Agata. +2Was this answer helpful?
Posted on Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 6:31 pm:   

Definitely enjoying your work Gino!! You're very teetnlad and the emotions in your stories are truly amazing and capture me in a way that a story never has before. I look forward to reading everything you post. Also, your taste in music is incredible! By the way, Tori Amos, Courtney Love, Kurt Cobain, Trent Reznor, Maynard James Keenan.. hmm you're a sneaky one
Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2012 - 3:44 am:   

no. He wants all of them delivered to his mail box all at once. So, he's saivng up and has been for the past six years. One day in frustration, i said to him, Listen Ben, you keep adding more and more items to your list at the rate you are going you will need $40,000 to pay for them and it will take forever to earn that much. Why don't you just get a few now with the money you have. Well, the upshot is that Ben is prepared to wait until he has $40,000.00 and then, someday, he expects the truck to back up and dump the entire Hollywood archive onto our front lawn. Talk about delayed gratification. Anyway, the point is that sometimes you just have to wait and fussing about it isn't going to change a thing. Those of us who have so much more inner resilience to draw upon than my boy have no excuse for the things they do out of impatience. If my Ben can do it, then so can we. Keep that one in mind as you go through your day. I do, all the time.
Marc Polish
Posted on Friday, January 20, 2012 - 6:54 am:   

was there a Horn and Hardarts on North Broad St.
4700 or 4800 block. Phila. Pa.

[email protected]
Posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010 - 7:28 pm:   

I remember being on " THE CHILDREN'S HOUR" with my CUB SCOUT PACK 265 from SACRED HEARTS Parish in Brooklyn, circa 1958-1959. MY best friends were there JIM PARASOLE and VIC SPLIT JR., WE kept getting yelled at by VIC SPLIT SR. our CUBMASTER for fooling around,I remember ED HERLIHY. THERE was this adorable little girl who was picked from the audience and signed to a contract to appear regularly on the show. After the show we all went to the HORN and HARDART AUTOMAT , next door and had a ball, I kept putting nickles just to turn the crank for the Coffee and Postum. WHAT happened to those wonderful days and simple times, it was great to be a kid. JIM and I ARE STILL BEST FRIENDS but VIC SPLIT moved and we lost contact, would love to see him again, give me the 50's and 60's.
Posted on Sunday, January 17, 2010 - 2:44 am:   

Every now and again I think of Horn & Hardart's Automat in NYC and remember the great times I spent there in the 50's. Sure do miss that place. They just don't make restaurants of that type with that quality anymore. Sure do miss the place.
Chuck Mueller
Posted on Thursday, August 20, 2009 - 1:26 pm:   

During the period 1960-1965, I worked at The American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. in the old Architect's Building at 101 Park Avenue, which was just up the block from the old H&H Murray Hill Restaurant. The old Architect's Building is long gone, having been replaced with the gleaming black glass and steel tower that now occupies that address. A bit pricey and obviously aimed at the Executive crowd, the Murray Hill was somewhat beyond the meager salary of a young statistician who was just beginning his climb up the corporate ladder and so I more often than not, opted for the H&H on 42nd and Third Avenue where one could get a good, hot, healthy lunch for under a dollar's worth of nickels. I would like to have a nickel for every nickel cup of coffee (or hot chocolate) I ever enjoyed in H&H on a cold, blustery winter day in New York. LOL
John Moore
Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 5:41 pm:   

To Russell Mehls or anyone with information about
the upscale, liquor serving, restaurant owned by
Horn & Hardart called 'The Murray Hill' located
somewhere near Grand Central Station.
John Moore
Posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 3:51 am:   

I do not know how to contact Russell Mehls, he
posted a memory message on wednesday June 09,2004
about a restaurant called 'The Murray Hill" near
Grand Central Station, upscale and served alcholic
beverages, part of H & H. I cannot find this restaurant listed anywhere-I would like to ask him
if he has any info. about the place.
Posted on Tuesday, January 29, 2008 - 6:24 pm:   

I was cleaning up after dinner tonight, washing a pan that I had baked some chicken breast in. Lo and behold, on the outside of the pan (approx.9x13")was
stamped: "Property of Horn & Hardart". It must have been "acquired" by my parents at some point and has been kicking around my house for many years.
My only memory of the actual restaurants was going there when my mother took me and my younger brother to see the Christmas Show at Radio City. Somewhere around 1957 or '58.
Lee from Bucks County
Posted on Monday, January 28, 2008 - 1:52 pm:   

Per Mr. Colucci's post: according to the book, Mr. Benny gave out rolls of nickels to his guests, they didn't have to buy their own food. (Jack Benny's cheap reputation was just an ongoing joke; in real life he was very generous.)
Ray Colucci
Posted on Monday, December 17, 2007 - 3:38 pm:   

I remember one day in the 1960's when I worked on Lexington Ave and 45th St in Manhattan and would eat at the Automat at Third Ave and 42nd St, I went to have lunch only to find the Automat closed for the day. I found out the next day in the newspaper that Jack Benny had rented the store for a birthday party for himself and the guests had to buy their own food. Great idea!
Ernie Engel
Posted on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 - 10:53 pm:   

H & H has been on my mind for the past 6 months so I decided to hit google and up comes some of the finest information and photos (unexpected). I too shined shoes outside of Alexanders at the Grand Concourse and Fordham Road in the Bronx, NY about 60 years ago. I ate at the H & H on Fordham Road and most of the others. Good food for a handfull of nickels. What a nice memory. Thank you H&H.
Thayer K. Russell, CBC
Posted on Wednesday, March 09, 2005 - 2:14 pm:   

My earliest memory of the Automat goes back to the very early 1930's when my Mother would take me on the Market Street El from our home near 69th Street Terminal to 16th street to meet my Dad. We would dine nearby at an Automat then shop Wanamaker's at 13th st. Sometimes we'd go to a cafeteria and get a ticket from the machine, pick out our food, get the ticket punched. After eating, we'd pay the cashier at the door. Later, in the mid 1940's when I worked after school in a store at 8th and Market, Wednesday night was store open night. They gave us stock boys 50 cents for dinner, but at the H&H down the street, you coud get a good dinner for no more than 35 cents. A great savings! Money in the pocket!
Then, there was the "Less Work for Mother" Retail Shops, and those wonderful pies. I had the opportunity to appear on the Horn and Hardart Childrens'Hour radio show with Elliot Brosa, later Lawrence. In those days you listened to the Horn & Hardart Herald morning newspaper of the air on WCAU with Taylor Grant, Editor. Great food, great memories and a hunger for Raisin Tea Biscuts for dinner tonight!
Russell Mehls
Posted on Wednesday, June 09, 2004 - 1:19 pm:   

I don't know if it was covered in the book, but Horn & Hardart in the late 50's early 60's branched off into services such as catering to boardrooms on Wall Street. One of their accounts was Hanover Trust. The Wall Street crowd was very pleased with the quality of the operation. Also a first for H & H was "The Murray Hill" near Grand Central Station which was an upscale restaurant which also served alcoholic beverages. Patrons of the restaurant were usually unaware that the operation was a part of H & H. Just a bit of trivia to spread about!

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